
Accountancy Project on Spreadsheet Excel


Get a Accountancy Project on Excel Spreadsheet . The Project is based on recording transaction on excel spreadsheet . Based on ISCE Guidelines .

Excel is a great tool for recording transaction and their analysis. It can be used for accounting of small concerns and for various reports .

Your Project will include a excel spreadsheet with the following

(i) Filled Sales and Expenses amounts based on format in guidelines given below for the months in lakhs and calculated Total Sales and Total Expenses.

(ii)Net Profit and loss calculation using the excel spreadsheet formulas by subtraction of expenses and addition of the income.

(iii)Presentation through the Bar Chart showing various results such as Sales for the month in various regions i.e indoor outdoor, Within unit / outside unit.


Format as specified in the guidelines for excel spreadsheet for accounts project

You can get the project in some other format or guidelines , Contact us for more details.

Spreadsheet Format

REVENUE                        JAN           FEB          MARCH            APRIL

Outdoor Sales

Indoor Sales

Total Sales




Rent & Utilities

Total Expenses

Net Profit


Other Details 

We will provide you the complete project on your email within 3-4 days of your order

We also provide customized project. Contact us for more details.


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